Quiz blog 26th October 2010
Post date: Oct 26, 2010 8:10:3 PM
The competition heated up today with the beginning of the quarter finals. Four schools, all who have already defeated other teams, battled against each other for a place in the semi finals.
After a fast-paced opening prayer by a student from Pokuase Methodist JHS the participants proceeded to answer three rounds of questions covering Science, Maths and Problem solving. The teams each had fifteen seconds to answer their question, which in the science round included topics as diverse as biology, branches of science, and the fishing industry. When a team didn’t succeed before their time was up the question was passed to the other schools, giving them an opportunity to earn bonus points. Sometimes none of the teams could hit on the correct answer and were outsmarted by some clever members of the audience who were invited to have a go at answering.
Pokuase Methodist JHS went first, and set the pace for the rest of the day, answering correctly and within time. In the end they came top, scoring 48. Hot on their tails were OLAF with 46. The two teams who were defeated today were Manhean with 36, and Adofa with 32.